Today woke up at 8.45 bathed and went for tuition. After tuition, changed and mum brought me to father's shop. On the way there, My Baby woke up and smsed me^^ So Happy!!^^ After awhile, My Baby nv reply me le:( When i reached my father shop, My Baby say she is charging her phone. My Baby then, reply me every 1-2hrs:'( In father's shop, sat on the chair till 6.30 with nothing to do, just waiting for My Baby's reply. 6.30 went home, exercise, bathe, ate and now posting:D After post can talk to My Baby le!!!!^^ YAY!!! So happy^^
Today, woke up at 6.15 and faster get ready. Actually can leave house earlier de, but in the end, went to shit for 10mins so i did not meet My Baby earlier. So sad:( But in the end, still met My Baby^^ So Happy^^ HAHA^^ Reached school and whole day is event management, it's so boring(: Took class photo too today^^ Hehehe^^ After school, Xiang, qiao xun, joyce and MY BABY! came to my house^^ Had a great time and had our lunch at 4+^^ HAHA:D After everything, My Baby went home:( So sad so sad:( But at least, after My Baby reach home and bathe finish I CAN TALK TO HER ON THE PHONE!!!!:P So happy^^ Just kup because My Baby wants me to post first^^ After posting, i can talk to My Baby and hear her Wonderful voice again^^ Hehehe^^ Post finish le BABY!:D I'm gonna call u now^^
Today, wake up then go brushteeth. Then after brushing my teeth, checked if Baby had woken up and she hadn't. On com and tagged Baby's blog to let My Baby know that i had woken up already:D Lied on bed and waited for Baby's phone call(: Almost fell asleep:P HAHAHA^^ I was very happy that my Baby called me^^ But very disappointed because Baby only said "On your msn" and then kup the call:( Went into msn and webcamed Baby^^ Talked on msn with Baby untill we both went to bathe^^ Just bathe come out and now posting because of some changes in the rule =D HAHAHA^^ After this, can talk to my BABY on the phone:DBABY! I LOVE YOU TTM!^^ I'm WAITING!~~
Today, morning wake up(: Tagged my baby and went to prepare for my tuition. Tuition from 9 to 10.50, stupid tuition teacher:@ HEHEHE^^ After tuition went down to have my breakfast and drank lots of cups of water(: Haha^^ After i had my breakfast, i went to my room and called my Baby(: Had a wonderful time talking to My Baby^^ So happy=D Hehehe^^ Watched No Limits on xinmsn with my Baby and both of us went to sleep after watching(: HAHA^^ Woke up, talked to My Baby and went to eat my lunch^^ After lunch, Called baby and till now, haven hang yet(: So happy!:D HEHEHE^^Baby, i love you TTM!
Happy 3rd Monthsary to
you, baby!